Playing with my new cameraphone

A few weeks ago Nokia launched a new smartphone aimed squarely at photographers – the Lumia 1020.  As chance would have it this launch co-incided with the death knells of my trusty old Blackberry. After a few glowing reviews surfaced on the internet, I took the inevitable plunge and ordered it in a stealthy black finish.

Nokia are making much of the fact that the camera has a 41 Megapixel sensor; of greater interest to me was the fact that the sensor itself is larger than those found in any other smartphone and the majority of compact cameras.  Larger sensors have a positive effect on low light work and achieving a shallow depth of field – getting your subject sharp and your background out of focus.

Early tests with the camera have been positive on the whole.  I am probably a more exacting user than most of the target clientèle, and whilst I do take issue with the lack of detail in bright areas and the softness of the lens in the corners, I recognise that to get the image quality in such a small device is a real marvel.

One of my test ‘shoots’ – via a gesture of unbelievable generosity from my girlfriend’s mum – took place at Wembley Stadium during the crucial England vs. Poland World Cup qualifier match.

Wembley Stadium, England - Poland World Cup qualifier

It was so fantastic to have a half-decent camera to hand to be able to capture a few snapshots of what was a truly unforgettable experience.

The below image has been processed to maximise the detail in the light and dark areas

Wembley Stadium, England - Poland World Cup qualifier

Skin tones do have a yellowish tinge straight out of the camera, unfortunately – this has been more or less corrected in post-processing in the below image.

Wembley Stadium, England - Poland World Cup qualifier

Obviously I’m not about to start cracking it out for professional commissions, but to have what is really a very good camera on my person at all times is a real game-changer and will alter my relationship with photography for the better.

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